Invasive exploratory methods
Endoscopic retrograde catheterization
Endoscopic retrograde catheterization What is catheterization? Endoscopic retrograde catheterization (ERC) of the biliary tract is both a diagnostic and therapeutic examination. A flexible tube, with a camera and a light at its end, is [...]
Read moreFibroscopy
Fibroscopy. What is fibroscopy ? This examination studies the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (first portion of the small intestine that follows the stomach). To do this, a cable a few millimeters in diameter - the endoscope [...]
Read moreEchoendoscopy
Echoendoscopy. What is echoendoscopy ? It is an examination which combines ultrasound and endoscopy, i.e. the ultrasound probe is brought, thanks to the endoscope, as close as possible to the organ to be studied: the wall of the oesophagus, stomach or duodenum. In what [...]
Read moreColonoscopy
Colonoscopy. What is a colonoscopy ? It is an operation - under general anaesthesia - which makes it possible to observe the internal walls of the colon: for that, a flexible tube, provided with a camera and a clip for the samples, is introduced there. […]
Read moreNon-invasive exploratory methods
The Fibroscan ®
When is Fibroscan® used ? When the liver is attacked - be it alcoholism or hepatitis - its cells turn into fibrous tissue. The harder the liver, the more fibrosis. Until then, to assess [...]
Read moreThe videos-capsules
The video capsules. What is this examination ? It is a non-invasive exploration method that allows a first level of exploration of the digestive tract, namely the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and colon. If a lesion is [...]
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