
What is fibroscopy?

This examination is used to study the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (first portion of the small intestine that succeeds the stomach). To do this, a cable of a few millimeters in diameter - the endoscope -, equipped with an optical fiber and a light source, is introduced through the mouth. Some endoscopes have a mini-camera and are connected to a screen. They can also be equipped with pliers to take samples.

In which cases do we practice fibroscopy?

To detect ulcers, inflammations (especially when they are resistant to treatment), infections, hiatal hernias, tumors (esophagus or stomach), but also to identify the cause of gastric fluid reflux , abdominal pain, persistent digestive disorders.

What to do before the exam?

A blood test done before (one week before) can control the good coagulation of your blood. The day of the intervention, it is necessary to be completely fasting (not to have drunk, eaten or smoked 6 hours before).

How does this exam take place?

It is very often done under general anesthesia, but many doctors think that a tranquilizer should suffice. This exam - not very pleasant - is not appreciated, but it is painless. It usually lasts half an hour.
The gastroenterologist introduces the endoscope through the mouth, after placing an anesthetic gel at the bottom of the throat to facilitate swallowing. The endoscope will allow to visualize the walls of the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, duodenum).
Regarding the results, the gastroenterologist will make a comment on site and send a report to your doctor.

Does this review involve risks?

It can cause mild irritation of the digestive walls and swabs can cause small bleeding.
A complication, such as digestive perforation, is possible, but it is extremely rare.
In case of vomiting with blood and fever, it is necessary to consult without waiting a doctor.